University of Florida

Finish in One Year

The University of Florida online M.S. in Health Education and Behavior offers flexible options to help you pursue your career goals. You can fit this program into a busy work schedule by taking one course per semester, or you can choose to complete all the requirements for your master’s degree, including the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES®) Exam, in just one year.

The following course schedule shows how to finish your online M.S. in HEB in three semesters. Note, the course sequence differs per start date. Contact an enrollment advisor to discuss your path forward in the M.S. in HEB program.

Program Schedule

Fall Start

Fall (12 Credit Hours)
Core HSC 6037 Philosophy & Principles of Health Education
Core HSC 6712 Evaluating Health Education Programs
Tier I Elective HSC 6665 Health Communication
Tier II Elective Elective of Choice
Spring (9 Credit Hours)
Core HSC 6318 Planning Health Education Programs
Core HSC 6603 Theories of Health Behavior & Practice
Tier I Elective HSC 6735 Research Methods in Health Education or
HSC 5956 Writing for Professional Publications
April Sit for CHES exam
Summer (9 Credit Hours)
Core HSC 6506 Epidemiology
Tier II Elective Elective of Choice
Tier II Elective Elective of Choice
August Graduation

Spring Start

Spring (12 Credit Hours)
Core HSC 6037 Philosophy & Principles of Health Education
Core HSC 6318 Planning Health Education Programs
Core HSC 6603 Theories of Health Behavior & Practice
Tier I Elective HSC 6735 Research Methods in Health Education or
HSC 5956 Writing for Professional Publications
Summer (9 Credit Hours)
Tier II Elective Elective of Choice
Tier II Elective Elective of Choice
Tier II Elective Elective of Choice
Fall (9 Credit Hours)
Core HSC 6506 Epidemiology
Core HSC 6712 Evaluating Health Education Programs
Tier I Elective HSC 6665 Health Communication
October Sit for CHES exam
December Graduation

Summer Start

Summer (9 Credit Hours)
Core HSC 6037 Philosophy & Principles of Health Education
Tier II Elective Elective of Choice
Tier II Elective Elective of Choice
Fall (12 Credit Hours)
Core HSC 6712 Evaluating Health Education Programs
Core HSC 6506 Epidemiology
Tier I Elective HSC 6665 Health Communication
Tier II Elective Elective of Choice
Spring (9 Credit Hours)
Core HSC 6318 Planning Health Education Programs
Core HSC 6603 Theories of Health Behavior & Practice
Tier I Elective HSC 6735 Research Methods in Health Education or
HSC 5956 Writing for Professional Publications
April Sit for CHES exam
May Graduation